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Service Description:
Map Name: Marine Aggregates
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Description: Aggregates (sand and gravel) are essential products for the development and maintenance of infrastructure. Economically viable on-land sources in Britain and Ireland are rapidly diminishing, and in order to sustain competitive economic development, alternative sources need to be found. Significant marine aggregate deposits are available in the southern Irish Sea, and these can contribute to competitive regional development. The exploitation of these resources must, however, be carried out in an environmentally sustainable way and take into account other legitimate uses of the area such as nature conservation, fishing and navigation. IMAGIN brings together an Ireland/Wales scientific consortium comprising organisations with expertise in coastal processes, geology and marine resource management for the purpose of developing a strategic framework and scientific rationale to underpin future policy development for Irish Sea aggregates. It is intended that this framework, once developed, will provide the operational guidelines and regulatory processes necessary for the environmentally sustainable management of Irish Sea aggregates. Scientific studies are evaluating available aggregate resources and ascertain where they may best be exploited with the minimum of disturbance to the environment and human activities. A marine database and advanced geographic information system are developed to(i) manage and present pertinent spatial information, including profiles of other marine users;(ii) inform stakeholders and scientists,(iii) act as an operational tool to facilitate the management of future regulatory processes. The IMAGIN consortium will invite input from regulatory agencies, key stakeholder groups and industry during the lifespan of the project. A series of workshops to facilitate dissemination on project activities and interaction with stakeholders are built into the IMAGIN work programme. The consultative process will allow IMAGIN to incorporate both expert advice from the international arena and localised knowledge. A project website will contain all relevant documentation and act as point of reference for those with an interest in the IMAGIN project. Access to the marine database will be via the website at and visit the IMAGIN GIS at
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1478749.5618686806
YMin: 6602040.416128519
XMax: -80992.16221280198
YMax: 7536505.058739495
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -746237.2717581477
YMin: 6753607.70993374
XMax: -379336.8609262766
YMax: 7122231.499603513
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Marine Aggregates
Comments: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>Aggregates (sand and gravel) are essential products for the development and maintenance of infrastructure. Economically viable on-land sources in Britain and Ireland are rapidly diminishing, and in order to sustain competitive economic development, alternative sources need to be found. Significant marine aggregate deposits are available in the southern Irish Sea, and these can contribute to competitive regional development. The exploitation of these resources must, however, be carried out in an environmentally sustainable way and take into account other legitimate uses of the area such as nature conservation, fishing and navigation. IMAGIN brings together an Ireland/Wales scientific consortium comprising organisations with expertise in coastal processes, geology and marine resource management for the purpose of developing a strategic framework and scientific rationale to underpin future policy development for Irish Sea aggregates. It is intended that this framework, once developed, will provide the operational guidelines and regulatory processes necessary for the environmentally sustainable management of Irish Sea aggregates. Scientific studies are evaluating available aggregate resources and ascertain where they may best be exploited with the minimum of disturbance to the environment and human activities. A marine database and advanced geographic information system are developed to(i) manage and present pertinent spatial information, including profiles of other marine users;(ii) inform stakeholders and scientists,(iii) act as an operational tool to facilitate the management of future regulatory processes. The IMAGIN consortium will invite input from regulatory agencies, key stakeholder groups and industry during the lifespan of the project. A series of workshops to facilitate dissemination on project activities and interaction with stakeholders are built into the IMAGIN work programme. The consultative process will allow IMAGIN to incorporate both expert advice from the international arena and localised knowledge. A project website will contain all relevant documentation and act as point of reference for those with an interest in the IMAGIN project. Access to the marine database will be via the website at and visit the IMAGIN GIS at</SPAN></P></DIV>
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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