| Broad estuarine bays and complex low plateau and cliff coastline |
| Complex indented small peninsulas, low cliffs and small sandy beaches |
| Complex metamorphic & igneous indented coastline, small bays & small islands |
| High Granite/Sandstone Cliffs and Plateau |
| Large Estuary |
| Large Islands |
| Large Limestone Bay - with low-lying/undulating hinterland & coastal wetlands |
| Low lying and estuarine coastal plain with long, narrow sandy beaches |
| Modified Historic Urban Bay |
| Sandstone peninsulas with drowned valleys (Rias) |
| Sea Lough/Fjord with raised hinterland |
| Atlantic Celtic Bays and Estuaries |
| Atlantic Clare Cliffs |
| Atlantic Galway Bay and Islands |
| Atlantic North Mayo and Galway |
| Atlantic South West Rias, Bays and Islands |
| Border - Carlingford Lough |
| Border - Lough Foyle |
| Celtic Sea Bays and Beaches |
| Cork Harbour and Estuary |
| Dublin Bay |
| Irish Sea, Sandbanks and Broad Bays |
| North Donegal Atlantic Headlands, Loughs and Beaches |
| Northeastern Irish Sea Islands and beaches |
| Northwest Atlantic Islands, Headlands & Beaches |
| Shannon Estuary and Tralee Bay |
| Sligo Bay |
| South East Irish Sea |